RAT SOLSTICE J. Gregory Cisneros 

A viral mist flooded the blood of the human world  and the vascular walls of bodies thinned out. The senses atrophied and breath drifted 

 toward its own drowning. 

An elongated time settled into the tedium and the fear. 

The architecture of alphabets collapsed 

 dismembered by misinterpretation. 

Mental constructions fell apart. 

Meanwhile, empty phrases and indentured thoughts  swirled in the electronic winds and cultivated fogs  of perfumed static. 

Confused animals howled back. 

What wildness is left today  

 that is not fenced in by grey sheets 

 of Liquid Crystal Display? 

A sour sun was shining when the teargas rained down. Black batons kept a dark rhythm on rolled and broken bones. Empty eyes filled with phlegm. 

The grateful riots were warmed 

 by campfires of torched cars. 

Few looked up from the flames to admire, 

 through the fossil smoke, 

 the forgotten stars.

The End is Near - Always. 

Entropy being the last and first perpetual law,  a black hole of devouring chaos 

 is yawning next to us - Always. 

The fortunate are dancing with joyful desperation   and screaming when they sing.  

We are not alone in the Universe 

 but nothing is coming to save us, 

 the distances are too long 

 and we are not worth the effort.